What I Wore Wednesday: Button Up Blouse

First, Thank you all so much for your kind words, shares and tags over my latest Mending Monday post! It was an honor to write it. I feel this Blog is a way for me to talk to you on a much more frequent bases. So here are some silly selfies so you can also remember what I look like.

In middle school I went through a phase of wearing oversized vintage button up shirts. It wasn’t that I had killer style. Back then I didn’t even know how to wear them or what my measurements were. What I did know was I loved the ruffles, colors, prints and no one else was wearing the same thing I was. Recently I’ve fallen back in love with them. I still love them for all the reasons listed above but now I’ve grown into them:)

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You can see this one listed here in my Etsy Shop!

What are your favorite ways to wear a Vintage Button Up?